You most likely do not need to add a new tool chain to your Eclipse in order to build your program. Where does the 'subfolder ' 'arm-bcm2708' came from? How is its purpose / function defined and where ? Is this 'prefix' part of the 'toolchain' ?Īssuming 'tools' folder is part of Linux (kernel?)
The standard ' Cross prefix' in Eclipse IDE is ' arm-linux-gnueabihf '. Preferably to newest Eclipse 2018-09 - using its layout and terminology. I need, like ro have, step by step instruction on HOW. I can add / modify these 'toolchains' or I should be able to ADD a new one using the downloaded 'tools' from git. I Eclipse terminology - I have can choose two 'toolchains' Cross GSS and Linux GCC. I did try to 'implement' : this 'tool in Build-> Setting but got lost. The post is pretty old so I am hoping somebody can help me in implementing this on Eclipse. Interestingly, the gcc compiler in the same place did not work. Works to compile C or C++ code on my Pi Zero with Raspian Jessie. Tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-圆4/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ Here are some results of my search for cross-compiling Eclipse for Raspberry Pi.